Nicméně šla jsem tam na véču s Ivet, která druhý den letěla zase pryč, a tak jsme si říkaly, že si zajdeme na véču a do Cobry na drink.
Nakonec jsem si dala ravioly s lososem a citronovou smetanovou omáčkou - a zde nastává "problém", připadá vám to jako citrónová, smetanová omáčka? Chutnalo to trochu jako svíčková a ani ty ravioly nebyly nic moc, prostě se to nějak nevyvedlo. Ale ledový čaj byl super. :D
Ivet si dala pečené kuře a nakonec z toho byly taky spíš takové kuřecí stripsy se salátem. Takže jako nebylo to, že se to nedá sníst, to vůbec ne, nicméně jsme od toho čekaly obě mnohem více.
Pak už se šlo jen do Cobry, která nikdy nezklame.
No a kde se tu vzala Stromovka? Tam jsem šla další den se sestřenkou, jelikož jsem měla práci jen dopo a odpoledne jsem si dala off, tak jsme si udělaly hezký podvečer, a vlastně i večer, ve Stromovce a po dlouhé době pokecaly.
I mean, very honestly? Not much. I got the recommendation at work from a guy who's quite the restaurant-goer. But I guess what we have to take into account is that when I first looked at Food Lab, it seemed like they had a completely different menu, so it's really possible that they change it up quite a bit and it didn't quite click. Or maybe the fact that it's just off Old Town Square = for tourists plays a part.
Anyway, I went there for a dinner with Ivet, who was flying out again the next day, so we thought we'd go for a dinner and a drink at Cobra.
I ended up having the salmon ravioli with lemon cream sauce - and here's where the "problem" comes in, does that look like lemon cream sauce to you? It tasted a bit like sirloin steak and the ravioli wasn't great either, it just didn't turn out right somehow. But the iced tea was great. :D
Ivet had the roast chicken and it ended up being more like chicken strips with salad. So like it wasn't that it was inedible, not at all, but we both expected much more from it.
Then it was on to Cobra, which never disappoints.
Well, where did Stromovka come from? I went there the next day with my cousin, since I had work only in the morning and I took the afternoon off, so we had a nice evening, and actually evening, in Stromovka and chatted for the first time in a long time.
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