Poslední navštívenou restaurací je Cafe Monico. Která se oproti ostatním vymyká, alespoň pro mě:)
Vymyká se pro mě tím, že na mě působí tak nějak luxusněji, než všechny ostatní. I přesto, že El Pirata byla dost luxusní, i přesto.
Do Cafe Monico, které se nachází vedle China Town, jsem nevyrazila s Dominikou, ale s tajným ctitelem, který mě navštívil:D
Protože jsem se v pátek lehce opila (musím vypadat jak alkoholik), nebylo mi bohužel moc dobře od žaludku. K pití jsem si dala prosecco a on si dal nějaký alkohol se zázorem, odpor:D
Jako předkrm jsem si dala tatarák, který nebyl špatný, ale byl jiný. Jak mi chybí tatarák do táty hezky s kečupem a super ochucený:D Tento byl nakrájený na kousky, vůbec ne rozemletý jak jsme zvyklá a spíše jen s bylinkami, ale špatné to nebylo a on si dal krevetový koketjl, který jsem ani neochutnala, protože mám na ně alergii.
K hlavnímu chodu jsem si dala fish and chips, a on si dal steak ze svíčkové a hranolky. Obré bylo oboje, škoda, že mi nebylo od žaludku tak dobře. Myslím, že jsem si to tolik neužila bohužel. NO a k dezertu jsme vybrali zmrzlinu (čokoládovou, bílou čokoládu a vanilku) a chtěli jsme čokoládovou bombu. Bohužel na ni nemšli jednu ečást a tak nám udělali čokoládovou kouli z toho těsta s něčím tekutým uprostřed a karamelovou omáčkou, což bylo super, protože to nebylo ani tak sladké.
Cafe Monico is different than the other ones for me cause I think it is more luxurious than others. El Pirata was quite luxurious as well.. anyway.
Cafe Monico is located next to China Town and I did not go there with Dominika as usuayll, but with the secret person who visited me: D
We went there for Saturday lunch and it was so great !!
Because I got a bit drunk on Friday (I must look like an alcoholic now), my stomach was not in the best condition. I ordered prosecco to drink, and he had some alcohol drink with ginger, disgusting, haha.
As a starter I went for steak tartare which was not that bad, but it was different. I miss steak tartare from my dad with ketchup and a great flavor soo badly:D The meat in this one was cut into pieces, not even grounded as I am used to, and it was rather with herbs, but it was not bad . And He had a shrimp cocktail as a start which I did not even try because I have allergy to them.
For main course I had fish and chips, and he had a sirloin steak and fries. Both were delicous, a shame that I was not feeling well that much. I think I did not enjoy it as I would normally. And as a dessert we chose ice cream (chocolate, white chocolate and vanilla) and we wanted a chocolate bomb. Unfortunately, they did not have something prepared for it, so they made a chocolate ball of dough with some liquid in the middle and a caramel sauce, which was great because it was not that sweet.
People were also amazing and the interior..God, I loved it! I definitely want to, and I have to visit it again and thank you very much for these possibilities, THANK YOU !!
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